@@ -0,0 +1,185 @@
+from sklearn.compose import ColumnTransformer
+from sklearn.pipeline import Pipeline, FeatureUnion
+from sklearn.preprocessing import OrdinalEncoder, StandardScaler
+from sklearn.feature_extraction.text import CountVectorizer
+from sklearn.impute import SimpleImputer, MissingIndicator
+from sklearn.model_selection import cross_val_score
+from sklearn.exceptions import ConvergenceWarning
+from .preprocessing import OutlierRemover, TextPreprocessing
+from warnings import simplefilter
+import itertools
+def generate_model (classifier, categorical_variables, continuous_variables, text_variable=None, missing_indicator=True, OrdinalEncoder_kwargs={}, StandardScaler_kwargs={}, CountVectorizer_kwargs={}, SimpleImputer_kwargs={}, MissingIndicator_kwargs={}, remove_outliers=False, outliers_variables_ranges=None):
+ """
+ Generate a model Pipeline containing features pre-processing
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ classifier: sklearn classifier object with a fit and transform method
+ categorical_variables: [str], list of categorical variables
+ continuous_variables: [str], list of continuous variables
+ text_variable: [str], text variables, None if missing
+ missing_indicator: boolean, if True a missing indicator is added to the Pipeline
+ OrdinalEncoder_kwargs: dict, argument passed to the ordinal encoder
+ StandardScaler_kwargs: dict, argument passed to the standard scaler
+ CountVectorizer_kwargs: dict, argument passed to the count vectorizer
+ SimpleImputer_kwargs: dict, argument passed to the simple imputer
+ MissingIndicator_kwargs: dict, argument passed to the missing indicator
+ remove_outliers: boolean, if true the outliers are set to nan
+ outliers_variables_ranges: Dict(variable:[range_inf, range_sup], ...), dictionnary containing for each variable the inferior and superior range
+ """
+ variables = categorical_variables+continuous_variables
+ if text_variable is not None:
+ variables += [text_variable]
+ # Features pre-processing
+ features_preprocessing_list = []
+ ## Outliers removal :
+ if remove_outliers==True and outliers_variables_ranges is not None:
+ # Creating the range list
+ outliers_variables_range_clean = dict([(x, y) for x,y in outliers_variables_ranges.items() if x in variables])
+ features_preprocessing_list.append(("outliers", OutlierRemover(variables_ranges=outliers_variables_range_clean), list(outliers_variables_range_clean.keys())))
+ if len(categorical_variables) > 0:
+ features_preprocessing_list.append(("binary_encoder", OrdinalEncoder(**OrdinalEncoder_kwargs), categorical_variables))
+ if len(continuous_variables) > 0:
+ features_preprocessing_list.append(("continuous_scaling", StandardScaler(**StandardScaler_kwargs), continuous_variables))
+ if text_variable is not None:
+ # Text pre-processing then count vectorizer
+ text_preprocessing_pipeline = Pipeline([
+ ("text_preprocessing", TextPreprocessing()),
+ ("text_countvectorizer", CountVectorizer(**CountVectorizer_kwargs))
+ ])
+ features_preprocessing_list.append(("text_encoding", text_preprocessing_pipeline, text_variable))
+ # Imputation methods
+ imputation_list = []
+ imputation_list.append(("missing_imputer", SimpleImputer(**SimpleImputer_kwargs)))
+ if missing_indicator:
+ imputation_list.append(
+ ("missing_indicator", MissingIndicator(**MissingIndicator_kwargs))
+ )
+ # Creating the pipeline
+ features_preprocessing = ColumnTransformer(features_preprocessing_list)
+ full_preprocessing = Pipeline([
+ ("features", features_preprocessing),
+ ("impute_and_store_missing", FeatureUnion(imputation_list)),
+ ])
+ pipeline = Pipeline([
+ ("preprocessing", full_preprocessing),
+ ("lr", classifier)
+ ])
+ return pipeline
+def get_features_selection (X, y, classifier, categorical_variables, continuous_variables, text_variable=None, min_features=1, cv=3, metric_score="auc_score"):
+ """
+ This function return the metrics score according to each variables combination
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ X: Pandas Dataframe of features
+ y: Pandas Dataframe of labels
+ classifier: sklearn classifier object with a fit and transform method
+ categorical_variables: [str], list of categorical variables
+ continuous_variables: [str], list of continuous variables
+ text_variable: [str], text variables, None if missing
+ min_features: int, minimum number of features to include in the model
+ cv: int, cross-validation splitting strategy according to the cross_val_score documentation
+ metric_score: str, metric score to evaluate the model, according to sklearn.metrics.SCORERS.keys()
+ Output
+ ------
+ Dictionnary containing a list of combination and associated score for each label
+ """
+ # Getting labels list
+ labels = y.columns.tolist()
+ # Getting the combinations
+ variables = categorical_variables + continuous_variables
+ if text_variable is not None:
+ variables += [text_variable]
+ variables_combinations = []
+ for i in range(min_features, len(variables)+1):
+ variables_combinations += itertools.combinations(variables, i)
+ # Getting global model
+ global_pipeline = generate_model(
+ classifier,
+ categorical_variables,
+ continuous_variables,
+ text_variable,
+ CountVectorizer_kwargs={"ngram_range":(1,1), "max_features":200}
+ )
+ # Preprocessing the data : we accept here to mix train/eval in feature scaling to reduce execution time
+ X_transformed = global_pipeline.steps[0][1].steps[0][1].fit_transform(X)
+ # Storing scores dictionnary
+ scores = dict(zip(
+ labels,
+ [[] for x in labels]
+ ))
+ # Getting the scores
+ for variable_combination in variables_combinations:
+ combination_categorical_variables, combination_continuous_variables = [x for x in categorical_variables if x in variable_combination], [x for x in continuous_variables if x in variable_combination]
+ combination_text_variable = text_variable if (text_variable is not None and text_variable in variable_combination) else None
+ pipeline = generate_model(
+ classifier,
+ combination_categorical_variables,
+ combination_continuous_variables,
+ combination_text_variable,
+ CountVectorizer_kwargs={"ngram_range":(1,1), "max_features":200}
+ )
+ # Get X index
+ if text_variable is not None:
+ variables_index = [variables.index(x) for x in variable_combination if x != text_variable]
+ if text_variable in variable_combination:
+ variables_index += list(range(X_transformed.shape[1]-200, X_transformed.shape[1]))
+ else:
+ variables_index = [variables.index(x) for x in variable_combination]
+ pipeline.steps[0][1].steps.pop(0) # Removing preprocessing step
+ for label in labels:
+ score = cross_val_score(pipeline, X_transformed[:,variables_index], y[label], cv=cv, scoring="roc_auc").mean().mean()
+ scores[label].append([variable_combination, score])
+ return scores
+def fit_all_classifiers(classifier, X_train, y_train, hide_warnings=True):
+ """
+ This function fill all the models for each label.
+ Parameters:
+ ----------
+ model: Classifier with a fit method
+ X: Pandas Dataframe of features
+ y: Pandas Dataframe of labels
+ hide_warnings: boolean, if true the warnings will be hidden
+ Output:
+ -------
+ Dictionnary containing a classifier per label
+ """
+ if hide_warnings == True:
+ simplefilter("ignore", category=ConvergenceWarning)
+ labels = y_train.columns.tolist()
+ classifiers = {}
+ for label in labels:
+ classifiers[label] = classifier.fit(X_train, y_train[label])
+ return classifiers