import re import os import pandas as pd import numpy as np from pandasToBrat.extract_tools import default_tokenizer def _getDictionnaryKeys(dictionnary): """ Function that get keys from a dict object and flatten sub dict. """ keys_array = [] for key in dictionnary.keys(): keys_array.append(key) if (type(dictionnary[key]) == type({})): keys_array = keys_array+_getDictionnaryKeys(dictionnary[key]) return(keys_array) class pandasToBrat: """ Class for Pandas brat folder management. For each brat folder, there is an instance of pandasToBrat. It supports importation and exportation of configurations for relations and entities. Documents importation and exportation. Annotations and entities importation and exportation. Inputs : folder, str : path of brat folder """ def __init__(self, folder): self.folder = folder self.conf_file = 'annotation.conf' self.emptyDFCols = { "annotations":["id","type_id", "word", "label", "start", "end"], "relations":["id","type_id","relation","Arg1","Arg2"] } # Adding '/' to folder path if missing if(self.folder[-1] != '/'): self.folder += '/' # Creating folder if do not exist if (os.path.isdir(self.folder)) == False: os.mkdir(self.folder) # Loading conf file if exists | creating empty conf file if not self.read_conf() def _emptyData(self): fileList = self._getFileList() nb_files = fileList.shape[0] confirmation = input("Deleting all data ({} files), press y to confirm :".format(nb_files)) if confirmation == 'y': fileList["filename"].apply(lambda x: os.remove(self.folder+x)) print("{} files deleted.".format(nb_files)) def _generateEntitiesStr (self, conf, data = '', level = 0): if (type(conf) != type({})): return data # Parsing keys for key in conf.keys(): value = conf[key] if value == True: data += '\n'+level*'\t'+key elif value == False: data += '\n'+level*'\t'+'!'+key elif type(value) == type({}): data += '\n'+level*'\t'+key data = self._generateEntitiesStr(value, data, level+1) return data def _writeEntitiesLevel (self, conf, data, last_n = -1): for n in range(last_n,len(conf)): # If empty : pass, if not the last line : pass if (conf[n] != '' and n > last_n): level = len(conf[n].split("\t"))-1 if (n+1 <= len(conf)): # Level of next item next_level = len(conf[n+1].split("\t"))-1 else: next_level = level splitted_str = conf[n].split("\t") str_clean = splitted_str[len(splitted_str)-1] if (level >= next_level): # On écrit les lignes de même niveau if (str_clean[0] == '!'): data[str_clean[1:]] = False else: data[str_clean] = True if (level > next_level): # On casse la boucle break elif (level < next_level): # On écrit les lignes inférieurs par récurence splitted_str = conf[n].split("\t") last_n, data[str_clean] = self._writeEntitiesLevel(conf, {}, n) return(n, data) def _readRelations(self, relations, entities = []): data = {} for relation in relations.split("\n"): if relation != '': relation_data = relation.split("\t")[0] args = list(map(lambda x: x.split(":")[1], relation.split("\t")[1].split(", "))) args_valid = list(filter(lambda x: x in entities, args)) if (len(args_valid) > 0): data[relation_data] = {"args":args_valid} return data def _writeRelations(self, relations, entities = []): data = '' for relation in relations: args_array = list(filter(lambda x: x in entities, relations[relation]["args"])) if (len(args_array) > 0): data += '\n'+relation+'\t' for n in range(0, len(args_array)): data += int(bool(n))*', '+'Arg'+str(n+1)+':'+args_array[n] return data def read_conf (self): """ Get the current Brat configuration. Output : Dict containing "entities" and "relations" configurations. """ if (os.path.isfile(self.folder+self.conf_file)): # Reading file file = open(self.folder+self.conf_file) conf_str = file.close() # Splitting conf_str conf_data = re.split(re.compile(r"\[[a-zA-Z]+\]", re.DOTALL), conf_str)[1:] data = {} # Reading enteties data["entities"] = self._writeEntitiesLevel(conf_data[0].split("\n"), {})[1] # Reading relations entitiesKeys = _getDictionnaryKeys(data["entities"]) data["relations"] = self._readRelations(conf_data[1], entitiesKeys) return(data) else: self.write_conf() self.read_conf() def write_conf(self, entities = {}, relations = {}, events = {}, attributes = {}): """ Write or overwrite configuration file. It actually doesn't suppport events and attributes configuration data. inputs : entities, dict : dict containing the entities. If an entities do have children, his value is an other dict, otherwise, it is set as True. relations, dict : dict containing the relations between entities, each key is a relation name, the value is a dict with a "args" key containing the list of related entities. """ # TODO : Add events and attributes support. conf_str = '' # Entities conf_str += '\n\n[entities]' conf_str += self._generateEntitiesStr(entities) # relations conf_str += '\n\n[relations]' entitiesKeys = _getDictionnaryKeys(entities) conf_str += self._writeRelations(relations, entitiesKeys) # attributes conf_str += '\n\n[attributes]' # events conf_str += '\n\n[events]' # Write conf file file = open(self.folder+self.conf_file,'w') file.write(conf_str) file.close() def _getFileList(self): # Listing files filesDF = pd.DataFrame({'filename':pd.Series(os.listdir(self.folder))}) filesDFSplitted = filesDF["filename"].str.split(".", expand = True) filesDF["id"] = filesDFSplitted[0] filesDF["filetype"] = filesDFSplitted[1] filesDF = filesDF[filesDF["filetype"].isin(["txt","ann"])] return(filesDF) def _parseData(self): # Listing files filesDF = self._getFileList() # Getting data from txt and ann filesDF_txt = filesDF.rename(columns = {"filename":"text_data"}).loc[filesDF["filetype"] == "txt", ["id","text_data"]] filesDF_ann = filesDF.rename(columns = {"filename":"annotation"}).loc[filesDF["filetype"] == "ann", ["id","annotation"]] dataDF = filesDF_txt.join(filesDF_ann.set_index("id"), on = "id") dataDF["text_data"] = dataDF["text_data"].apply(lambda x: open(self.folder+x).read()) dataDF["annotation"] = dataDF["annotation"].apply(lambda x: open(self.folder+x).read()) return(dataDF) def read_text(self): """ read_text Get a pandas DataFrame containing the brat documents. Input : None Output : Pandas dataframe """ dataDF = self._parseData() return(dataDF[["id","text_data"]]) def read_annotation(self, ids = []): """ read_annotation Get annotations from the brat folder. You can get specific annotation by filtering by id. input : ids, list (optionnal) : list of id for which you want the annotation data, if empty all annotations are returned. output : dict containing an annotations and relations data. """ data = {} data["annotations"] = pd.DataFrame(columns=self.emptyDFCols["annotations"]) data["relations"] = pd.DataFrame(columns=self.emptyDFCols["relations"]) dataDF = self._parseData()[["id","annotation"]] dataDF = dataDF[(dataDF["annotation"].isna() == False) & (dataDF["annotation"] != '')] # Removing empty annotation # Filtering by ids if (len(ids) > 0): dataDF = dataDF[dataDF["id"].isin(pd.Series(ids).astype(str))] if (dataDF.shape[0] > 0): # Ann data to pandas dataDF = dataDF.join(dataDF["annotation"].str.split("\n").apply(pd.Series).stack().reset_index(level = 0).set_index("level_0")).reset_index(drop = True).drop("annotation", axis = 1).rename(columns = {0: "annotation"}) dataDF = dataDF[dataDF["annotation"].str.len() > 0].reset_index(drop = True) dataDF = dataDF.join(dataDF["annotation"].str.split("\t", expand = True).rename(columns = {0: 'type_id', 1: 'data', 2: 'word'})).drop("annotation", axis = 1) dataDF["type"] = dataDF["type_id"].str.slice(0,1) ## Annotations data["annotations"] = dataDF[dataDF["type"] == 'T'] if (data["annotations"].shape[0] > 0): data["annotations"] = data["annotations"].join(data["annotations"]["data"].str.split(" ", expand = True).rename(columns = {0: "label", 1: "start", 2: "end"})).drop(columns = ["data","type"]) ## Relations data["relations"] = dataDF[dataDF["type"] == 'R'] if (data["relations"].shape[0] > 0): tmp_splitted = data["relations"]["data"].str.split(" ", expand = True).rename(columns = {0: "relation"}) ### Col names rename_dict = dict(zip(list(tmp_splitted.columns.values[1:]), list("Arg"+tmp_splitted.columns.values[1:].astype(str).astype(object)))) tmp_splitted = tmp_splitted.rename(columns = rename_dict) ### Merging data tmp_splitted = tmp_splitted[["relation"]].join(tmp_splitted.loc[:,tmp_splitted.columns[tmp_splitted.columns != 'relation']].applymap(lambda x: x.split(":")[1])) data["relations"] = data["relations"].join(tmp_splitted).drop(columns = ["data","type","word"]) return(data) def _write_function(self, x, filetype = "txt", overwrite = False): filenames = [] if (filetype == 'txt' or filetype == 'both'): filenames.append(self.folder+str(x["filename"])+'.txt') if (filetype == 'ann' or filetype == 'both'): filenames.append(self.folder+str(x["filename"])+'.ann') for filename in filenames: try: open(str(filename), "r") is_file = True except FileNotFoundError: is_file = False if ((is_file == False) or (overwrite == True)): file = open(str(filename), "w") file.write(x["content"]) file.close() def write_text(self, text_id, text, empty = False, overWriteAnnotations = False): """ write_text Send text data from the brat folder. input : text_id, pd.Series : pandas series containing documents ids text, pd.Series : pandas series containing documents text in the same order as text_id empty, boolean : if True the brat folder is emptyied of all but configuration data (text and ann files) before writting overwriteAnnotations, boolean : if True, the current annotation files are replaced by blank one """ if overWriteAnnotations == True: # On controle la façon dont la variable est écrite overwriteAnn = True else: overwriteAnn = False if (type(text) == type(pd.Series()) and type(text_id) == type(pd.Series()) and text.shape[0] == text_id.shape[0]): # ID check : check should be smaller than text : check if not inverted if (text_id.astype(str).str.len().max() < text.astype(str).str.len().max()): # empty : option to erase existing data if (empty): self._emptyData() # Writting data print("Writting data") df_text = pd.DataFrame({"filename":text_id, "content":text}) df_ann = pd.DataFrame({"filename":text_id, "content":""}) df_text.apply(lambda x: self._write_function(x, filetype = "txt", overwrite = True), axis = 1) df_ann.apply(lambda x: self._write_function(x, filetype = "ann", overwrite = overwriteAnn), axis = 1) print("data written.") else: raise ValueError('ID is larger than text, maybe you inverted them.') else: raise ValueError('Incorrect variable type, expected two Pandas Series of same shape.') def write_annotations(self, df, text_id, word, label, start, end, overwrite = False): """ write_annotations Send annotation data from the brat folder. Useful to pre-anotate some data. input : df, pd.Dataframe : dataframe containing annotations data, should contains the text id, the annotated word, the annotated label, the start and end offset. text_id, str : name of the column in df which contains the document id word, str : name of the column in df which contains the annotated word label, str : name of the column in df which contains the label of the annotated word start, str : name of the column in df which contains the start offset end, str : name of the column in df which contains the end offset overwrite, boolean : if True, the current annotation files are replaced by new data, otherwise, the new annotations are merged with existing one """ # Checking data types if (type(df) == type(pd.DataFrame())): # Loading df df = df.rename(columns = {text_id:"id",word:"word",label:"label",start:"start",end:"end"}) df["type_id"] = df.groupby("id").cumcount()+1 # List of ids ids = df["id"].unique() # Loading current data current_annotation = self.read_annotation(ids) current_annotations = current_annotation["annotations"] tmaxDFAnnotations = current_annotations.set_index(["id"])["type_id"].str.slice(1,).astype(int).reset_index().groupby("id").max().rename(columns = {"type_id":"Tmax"}) if (overwrite == True): df["type_id"] = "T"+df["type_id"].astype(str) new_annotations = df else: df = df.join(tmaxDFAnnotations, on = "id").fillna(0) df["type_id"] = "T"+(df["type_id"]+df["Tmax"]).astype(int).astype(str) df = df.drop(columns = ["Tmax"]) new_annotations = pd.concat((current_annotations, df[self.emptyDFCols["annotations"]])).reset_index(drop = True) new_annotations.drop_duplicates() ## Removing duplicates # Injecting new annotations current_annotation["annotations"] = new_annotations # Calling write function self._write_annotation(current_annotation["annotations"], current_annotation["relations"]) else: raise ValueError('Incorrect variable type, expected a Pandas DF.') def write_relations(self, df, text_id, relation, overwrite = False): """ write_relations Send relations data from the brat folder. Useful to pre-anotate some data. input : df, pd.Dataframe : dataframe containing relations data, should contains the text id, the relation name, the if of the linked annotations. text_id, str : name of the column in df which contains the document id relation, str : name of the column in df which contains the relation name overwrite, boolean : if True, the current annotation files are replaced by new data, otherwise, the new annotations are merged with existing one The other columns should contains the type_id of related entities, as outputed by the read_annotation method. """ # Checking data types if (type(df) == type(pd.DataFrame())): # Loading df df = df.rename(columns = {text_id:"id",relation:"relation"}) df["type_id"] = df.groupby("id").cumcount()+1 # type_id # Columns names old_columns = df.columns[np.isin(df.columns, ["id", "relation","type_id"]) == False] new_columns = "Arg"+np.array(list(range(1,len(old_columns)+1))).astype(str).astype(object) df = df.rename(columns = dict(zip(old_columns, new_columns))) # List of ids ids = df["id"].unique() # Loading current data current_annotation = self.read_annotation(ids) current_relations = current_annotation["relations"] rmaxDFrelations = current_relations.set_index(["id"])["type_id"].str.slice(1,).astype(int).reset_index().groupby("id").max().rename(columns = {"type_id":"Rmax"}) if (overwrite == True): df["type_id"] = "R"+df["type_id"].astype(str) new_relations = df else: df = df.join(rmaxDFrelations, on = "id").fillna(0) df["type_id"] = "R"+(df["type_id"]+df["Rmax"]).astype(int).astype(str) df = df.drop(columns = ["Rmax"]) # Adding missing columns if (len(df.columns) > len(current_relations.columns)): for column in df.columns[np.isin(df.columns, current_relations.columns) == False]: current_relations[column] = np.nan else: for column in current_relations.columns[np.isin(current_relations.columns, df.columns) == False]: df[column] = np.nan new_relations = pd.concat((current_relations, df[current_relations.columns])).reset_index(drop = True) new_relations.drop_duplicates() ## Removing duplicates # Injecting new annotations current_annotation["relations"] = new_relations # Calling write function self._write_annotation(current_annotation["annotations"], current_annotation["relations"]) else: raise ValueError('Incorrect variable type, expected a Pandas DF.') def _generate_annotations_str (self, annotations): annotations = annotations.reset_index(drop = True) annotations["label_span"] = annotations[["label","start","end"]].apply(lambda x: ' '.join(x.astype(str).values), axis = 1) annotations_str = '\n'.join(annotations[["type_id","label_span","word"]].apply(lambda x: '\t'.join(x.astype(str).values), axis = 1).values) return(annotations_str) def _generate_relations_str (self, relations): relations = relations.fillna('').applymap(lambda x: '' if x == 'nan' else x) #cleaning data columns = relations.columns[np.isin(relations.columns, ["id","type_id","relation"]) == False].values.tolist() boolmap = relations[columns].transpose().applymap(lambda x: int(x != '')) rct = relations[columns].transpose() temp_relations = (boolmap*(np.array(np.repeat(rct.index,rct.shape[1])).reshape(rct.shape)+':')+rct.astype(str)).transpose() relations_str = '\n'.join(relations[["type_id","relation"]].join(temp_relations[columns]).apply(lambda x: '\t'.join(x.values), axis = 1).values) return(relations_str) def _write_file(self, data): file = open(self.folder+str(data["id"])+".ann", "w") file.write(data["str_to_write"]) file.close() def _write_annotation(self,annotations,relations): # Checking data types if (type(annotations) == type(pd.DataFrame()) and type(relations) == type(pd.DataFrame())): # Gerenating str data_annotations = annotations.groupby("id").agg(lambda x: self._generate_annotations_str(x)).iloc[:,0] data_relations = relations.groupby("id").agg(lambda x: self._generate_relations_str(x)).iloc[:,0] # Merging data data = pd.DataFrame({"annotations":data_annotations, "relations":data_relations}).fillna('') data["str_to_write"] = data.apply(lambda x : '\n'.join(x.values), axis = 1) data = data.reset_index().rename(columns = {"index":"id"}) # Writting files data.apply(self._write_file, axis = 1) return(data) else: raise ValueError('Incorrect variable type, expected a Pandas DF.') def _export_conll_2003 (self, data): ''' Internal function for export in conll format. ''' # Creating i-label data["i-label"] = (data["label"] != "O").astype(int)*(data["i-type"]+'-')+data["label"] # Creating string data["str"] = data[["token","pos","chunks","i-label"]].apply(lambda x: ' '.join(x), axis = 1) connll_str = "-DOCSTART- -X- -X- O"+"\n\n"+"\n\n".join( data.groupby("id").agg(lambda x: "\n".join(x))["str"].values.tolist() ) return(connll_str) def _get_tokenized_data(self, text_data, annotations_data, tokenizer = default_tokenizer, keep_empty = False): ''' Internal function that process text and annotation data to calculate token, pos and chunks. Input : text_data : text data exported from current class annotations_data : annotations data exported from current class tokenizer : tokenizer function from extract_tools keep_empty : default False, parameter boolean, if True empty token are not removed, otherwise they are removed Output : Aggreged data in Pandas DataFrame. ''' # Applying tokenizer to text text_data["tokens"] = text_data["text_data"].apply(tokenizer) # Exploding dataframe by tokens and rename column exploded_text_data = text_data[["id", "tokens"]].explode("tokens").reset_index(drop = True) exploded_text_data = exploded_text_data.join( exploded_text_data["tokens"] \ .apply(pd.Series) \ .rename(columns = { 0:'token',1:'start_offset',2:'end_offset', 3:'pos' }) ) \ .drop(columns = ["tokens"]) # Getting entities from annotations ## We merge by offset ### Creating a word id and annotation id exploded_text_data = exploded_text_data \ .reset_index(drop = True) \ .reset_index() \ .rename(columns = {"index":"word_id"}) annotations_data = annotations_data \ .reset_index() \ .rename(columns = {"index":"ann_id"}) ### Offset of string text_offsets = pd.DataFrame(exploded_text_data[["id","word_id","start_offset","end_offset"]]) text_offsets["start_offset"] = text_offsets["start_offset"].astype(int) text_offsets["end_offset"] = text_offsets["end_offset"].astype(int) text_offsets["offsets"] = text_offsets \ .apply( lambda x: list(range(x["start_offset"], x["end_offset"]+1)), axis = 1 ) text_offsets = text_offsets[["id","word_id", "offsets"]] \ .explode("offsets") ### Offset of annotations ann_offsets = pd.DataFrame( annotations_data[["id", "ann_id", "start", "end"]] ) ann_offsets["start"] = ann_offsets["start"].astype(int) ann_offsets["end"] = ann_offsets["end"].astype(int) if (ann_offsets.shape[0] > 0): ann_offsets["offsets"] = ann_offsets \ .apply( lambda x: list(range(x["start"], x["end"]+1)), axis = 1 ) else: ann_offsets["offsets"] = '' ann_offsets = ann_offsets[["id","ann_id", "offsets"]] \ .explode("offsets") # Merging by term text_offsets["uid"] = text_offsets["id"].astype(str) \ + text_offsets["offsets"].astype(str) ann_offsets["uid"] = ann_offsets["id"].astype(str) \ + ann_offsets["offsets"].astype(str) merged_id = text_offsets \ .join( ann_offsets[["ann_id","uid"]].set_index("uid"), on = "uid" ) \ .dropna() merged_id["ann_id"] = merged_id["ann_id"].astype(int) merged_id = merged_id[["word_id", "ann_id"]] \ .set_index("ann_id") \ .drop_duplicates() \ .join(annotations_data, on = "ann_id") # Keeping last when duplicate word_id merged_id = merged_id \ .drop_duplicates("word_id", keep = "last") # Joining annotation with word id output_df = exploded_text_data \ .join(merged_id[["label","word_id"]] \ .set_index("word_id"), on = "word_id", how = "left") \ .fillna("O")[["id", "token","label", "pos"]] # Creation of i-type : if O : i-type is B output_df["i-type"] = output_df \ .groupby("id").agg(lambda x: ["B"]+["I"]*(len(x)-1))["label"].explode().reset_index()["label"] output_df.loc[output_df["label"] == "O", "i-type"] = 'B' # Empty chunks output_df["chunks"] = 'O' # Post - processing if (keep_empty == False): output_df = output_df[output_df["token"] != ''].reset_index(drop = True) return(output_df) def export(self, export_format = "conll-2003", tokenizer = default_tokenizer, keep_empty = False, entities = None): ''' Function that generate an export file. Supported export format are : - conll-2003 input : export_format : name of the export format tokenizer : tokenizer function from extract_tools keep_empty : default False, parameter boolean, if True empty token are not removed, otherwise they are removed entities : if None, all entities are send to the export file, if there is the conflict the most recent is used, otherwise the entities are selected before Output : str : output string in selected export format ''' supported_export_format = { "conll-2003":self._export_conll_2003 } # Check the export format if (export_format not in supported_export_format.keys()): raise Exception(str(export_format)+" format not supported. Export format should be one of these : {}".format( ", ".join(supported_export_format.keys()) )) # Create dataframe of tokenized word associated with annotations ## Getting data from brat text_data = self.read_text() annotations_data = self.read_annotation()["annotations"] ## Filtering entities if entities is not None: if type(entities) != type(list()): raise Exception("entities should be of type list") annotations_data = annotations_data[annotations_data["label"].isin(entities)] \ .reset_index(drop = True) ## Parsing data data = self._get_tokenized_data(tokenizer=tokenizer, text_data = text_data, annotations_data = annotations_data, keep_empty = keep_empty) # Execute the export format associated function data_str = supported_export_format[export_format](data = data) return(data_str)