# biologyOrderPredictor Authors : Lévi-dan Azoulay, Shana Zirah, Jonas Benhammou, Gaspard André, Nathane Berrebi and Ali Bellamine This project has beeen realised in the Data Science Master of the Paris Polytechnique institute (M2DS) for the Datacamp class. # Install ## Dependencies ``` python3 -m venv .venv source .venv/bin/activate pip install --upgrade pip pip install -r requirements.txt ``` ## Downloading data Because we cannot publicly release the data, you need to provide a download token to get them. ``` python3 download_data.py [download_token] ``` # Getting started You can open the [getting started notebook](./getting_started.ipynb) to have a first insight of the provided data. We provided a more exhaustive data analysis and a proposition of algorithm in the [starting kit notebook](./biologyOrderPrediction_starting_kit.ipynb). Two classifier are provided : - A dummy classifier (dummy) - The starting kit classifier (starting_kit) You can run with the `ramp-test` command : ``` ramp-test --submission dummy # Running dummy classifier ramp-test --submission starting_kit # Running starting kit classifier ```